Sunday, October 01, 2006

New Google Features

What is it with those people over at Google? They must have ideas flying out their arses. I've got this vision of thousands of fantastic ideas flying out of arses like fireworks, lighting up Google Headquarters like the aurora borealis. I bet you can see it from SF across the Bay.

I mean serious? How do they keep coming up with stuff like this? Do they ever sleep?

Some of the latest developments have to do with the homepage. Well I've been using that one since they popped it out, and now they've gone and read my mind and made the appropriate tweaks.

The big one, is tabs. I had filled up my main page with lots of little features and feeds, from the science and tech industries, world news from the NYTimes and BBC, and other stuff. And the page started to get crowded and more often than not I was too lazy to scroll down and read the headlines that were out of frame.

Now, they did come up with an obvious (and fantastic) solution, which was the Google Reader, but I haven't gone through all of my sites and put the newsfeeds in yet. And ya know, I sorta like having it all there on one page, so I can scan headlines like I would the front page of a newspaper. Well, as it happens, having tabs on your Google Homepage kinda makes it feel like your own personalized newspaper. It's great! What a revolution in my reading habits. :)

They've also added some features, including a handy-dandy to-do list, and a mini Google calendar.

Here are some screen shots of how I've got mine set up. I feel so organized!

Entire Page
From New Google Fe...

Detail of personalized tabs, To-Do list, and Calendar
From New Google Fe...


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