Thursday, June 11, 2009


Tuesday, April 07, 2009

My little letter to U2 land

Hey there Candida!

Hope this finds you well! We corresponded many moons ago, when I served on the board at the African Well Fund, but this time I'm writing as a plain old U2 fan...

I've just come across the news regarding U2's deal with Research in Motion:

While I'm glad for the band that they finally found in RIM kind of access that they originally sought in the Apple deal, I'm disappointed that Apple didn't keep up their end of the deal, causing a severance of the relationship. As an Apple user, I'm worried that I am going to miss out on something cool, and that is why I'm writing.

I would like y'all over there in U2 Land to know that while U2's relationship with Apple wasn't the biggest factor in my decision to buy an iPhone, but it was definitely something I considered. Needless to say, we as Apple/U2 fans expected big, exciting things from the combo. It is for this reason that I think I could be justified in arguing that U2 owes it to us Apple users to not leave us completely out of the 360 tour/mobile technology plans that Bono alluded to in that article. (See above link.)

I'm not saying that I would argue that U2 owes me anything -- I don't think they owe me a darn thing! But if I did, that is the argument I'd make. ;)

So that's it. I'm SUPER excited about the tour this year, and even moreso to hear that the latest and greatest in new media is to be fully deployed in good ol' U2 fashion. I've come to expect nothing less from them! I just don't want to miss out because I don't use a Blackberry. And since I will be spending some godawful, irresponsible amount of my lousy US dollars on U2 and Coldplay shows this summer, I am not, by any stretch of the imagination, going to be in any position to buy one! Most of us are bound to contracts, anyway.

Thanks for listening to my concerns. It is my wish that you make them known to the right people (all four of them), as I am quite sure I am not the only one who is worried about this matter.

Best regards,

Bridget McGann
Notre Dame, Indiana, USA

EDIT: A few min later I felt the need to add another note:

Hmmm I think that perhaps I should add, to clarify, that I write in hopes that the project in development is software-based, and that the solution to the problem would be to simply develop software for other platforms in addition to the Blackberry.

Sort of an obvious point, but I don't want you to think I was suggesting that U2 abandon their RIM deal or anything. I will always support U2's creative endeavours.


Saturday, February 28, 2009

Self-indulgent word vomit on the state of my life

AIM IM with Reecord22/28/09 3:50 AM (edited for clarity and length)

k like sometimes don't you feel like OH MY GOD HOW DO I FILL THIS GIANT HOLE IN MY HEART

having a night like I am, I take it

k so i was having this horrible night
couldnt' sleep
cuz i fucking sleep all day
fucking sleep all dayness...
so i got up
no nyquil in the house
no tylenol pm
no benadryl

no alcohol?

no can do, got heart issues

broken heart issues

shit, i say
meh, i turn on the tv
and i'm like damn that tv is bright
and who is on but dane cook
not in the mood to laugh, I think to myself, not in the mood
but wait
it was vicious circle
which like, i sototally missed when it was originally on
and i was like dude
how did i miss this anyway
he was talking about crying
and i was like
wow that is how i feel
his last in the round bit wasn't so good
but this one
this one was good
i didn't realize he like
he has a SOUL
i mean, i suspected
but like...he's like a real person
anyway apparently he is christian but what i DIDN'T catch was that he grew up catholic
like ME
i've been suspecting for sometime that he's a christian
or an xtian, for you athiests out there.

I dunno man he's just packaged wrong
and shouldn't be in those shitty movies

oh yeah

he caught on with the bro crowd and they're running with it

yeah, you're totally right, those movies are shitty

someone said they met him and he was a sweetheart
and some of his bits
the speak and spell one
do you know that one

haha totally
it's on my ipod

gets me everytime

...comes up way too much

...i think that has something to do with the fact that i can't afford more music

didn't I tell you about that LJ group?
soooo much music
all the times

hmmm okaaayyy
i need to get on that
i've decided
...instead of chasing u2 around the place this year
i'm gonna spend my money on music
oh god my SOUL
my soul it ACHES, richard


this is what happens
every night
i get to thinking shit right
i get mad inspired
and i'm like
i gotta...i gotta do fill up my soul
i gotta do something BIG


because this hole, this hole in my soul
it is BIG TOO

lifestyles of the sad and single

like i gotta...i gotta...
you know?
i gotta be CRAZY and do something brilliant
you know, connect with other people on a VISCERAL LEVELL
you feelinme

yes I feel you
up close and personal

and so i'm mad inspired
and i'm like "i gotta get cultured, i gotta LEARN ABOUT THE WORLD"
so i start reading all of those blogs that i saved and never really read
i start dling some new music
maybe do some art
start a new business
you know, flesh out the ME
then 5 am, 6 am comes
and I start to get tired
and so i'm like, alright
i'll go to bed
and so i got o bed
i set my alarm for 8 am
cuz i can't WAIT to get started again
8 am comes and the alarm goes off and i turn it off
sleep in till 4
don't wanna get up
usually like around 11 i have to pee pretty bad
but i so don't wanna get up
So I hold it for like, 5 hours.
all the while, definitely not getting sleep because I have to pee so bad.

damn son

all that motivation
like the missing chunk of my soul
it's like in my sleep i pulled this total 180
and all a sudden life is filled with a big heavy smoky SUCKNESS
and i don't wanna do ANYTHING
don't care
no motivation
life is just one big fat burden and i'd rather just stay in my bed with my supersoft bamboo sheets and cuddle up with my scented eye mask and my iphone
i go to the WHite Noise app
i choose Airplane
I drown the world out
my little niece comes over BRIDGET I'M CUTE COME PLAY WITH ME
but no
i'm too tired
and I've started to realize
I"m missing out on LIFE
like good shit
meaningful shit
and people in my life are missing out on ME
every day
that is how it goes
over and over again

you said it sister

and the hole gets bigger

you should write a blorg

and i feel like a big fat heroin addict
dude, i had one and no one read it.
well, i still have one.
i'll put this on it in case anyone gives a flip.
i hope i remember how
actually, i think the last blog post i made was a convo with you dude

Thursday, September 18, 2008

A pathetic attempt by Republicans to fool Dems into ditching Obama

They call themselves "Right Change," and apparently, they think people are really gullible.

Monday, September 15, 2008

God I love Runners World

Amy, a veteran of 14 marathons, offers the following advice for the final weeks of training:

“Nearing what will be my 15th marathon and 10th consecutive Chicago Marathon, I admit that I will likely again experience nervousness and uncertainty during the weeks leading up to a marathon. It’s usually during the taper period where I begin to question my fitness level and wonder if I’ve been smart enough in my training. I ponder if I’ve trained too hard or perhaps not hard enough. I question whether I’ve paid close enough attention to properly balancing my diet and stress levels. Am I getting enough sleep? I write this in hopes of giving first-time marathoners some comfort that if you are having these feelings, it’s normal. Don’t panic. I can assure you that it doesn’t do any good to worry and stress. Much more can be gained by sticking to your plans and keeping a positive attitude about your training. At the risk of sounding like a broken record, the right attitude is such an important ingredient for achievement!”

I feel a LITTLE better, but I dunno.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Tina Fey as Sarah Palin

Thursday, September 11, 2008

This is what I've been saying...

Obama win preferred in world poll

People outside the US would prefer Barack Obama to become US president ahead of John McCain, a BBC World Service poll suggests.

Democrat Mr Obama was favoured by a four-to-one margin across the 22,500 people polled in 22 countries.

In 17 countries, the most common view was that US relations with the rest of the world would improve under Mr Obama.

If Republican Mr McCain were elected, the most common view was that relations would remain about the same.

The poll was conducted before the Democratic and Republican parties held their conventions and before the headline-grabbing nomination of Sarah Palin as Mr McCain's running mate.

BBC diplomatic correspondent Jonathan Marcus says the results could therefore be a reflection of the greater media focus on Mr Obama as he competed for the presidential candidacy against Hillary Clinton.

The margin of those in favour of Mr Obama winning November's US election ranged from 9% in India to 82% in Kenya, which is the birthplace of the Illinois senator's father.

On average 49% preferred Mr Obama to 12% in favour of Mr McCain. Nearly four in 10 of those polled did not take a view.

On average 46% thought US relations with the world would improve with Mr Obama in the White House, 22% that ties would stay the same, while seven per cent expected relations to worsen.

Only 20% thought ties would get better if Mr McCain were in the Oval Office.

The expectation that a McCain presidency would improve US relations with the world was the most common view, by a modest margin, only in China, India and Nigeria.

But across the board, the largest number - 37% - thought relations under a president McCain would stay the same, while 16% expected them to deteriorate.

In no country did most people think that a McCain presidency would worsen relations.

Oddly, in Turkey more people thought US relations would worsen with an Obama presidency than under Mr McCain, even though most Turks polled preferred Mr Obama to win.

In Egypt, Lebanon, Russia and Singapore, the predominant expectation was that relations would remain the same if Mr Obama won the election.

The countries most optimistic that an Obama presidency would improve ties were US Nato allies - Canada (69%), Italy (64%), France (62%), Germany (61%), and the UK (54%) - as well as Australia (62%), along with Kenya (87%) and Nigeria (71%).

When asked whether the election as president of the African-American Mr Obama would "fundamentally change" their perception of the US, 46% said it would while 27% said it would not.

The US public was polled separately and Americans also believed an Obama presidency would improve US ties with the world more than a McCain presidency.

Forty-six per cent of Americans expected relations to get better if Mr Obama were elected and 30% if Mr McCain won the White House.

A similar poll conducted for BBC World Service ahead of the 2004 US presidential election found most countries would have preferred to see Democratic nominee John Kerry beat the incumbent George W Bush.

At the time, the Philippines, Nigeria and Poland were among the few countries to favour Mr Bush's re-election. All three now favour Mr Obama over Mr McCain.

In total 22,531 citizens were polled in Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, Egypt, France, Germany, India, Indonesia, Italy, Kenya, Lebanon, Mexico, Nigeria, Panama, the Philippines, Poland, Russia, Singapore, Turkey, the UAE and the UK. A parallel survey was conducted with 1,000 US adults.

Polling firm GlobeScan and the Program on International Policy Attitudes carried out the survey between July and August.

Story from BBC NEWS:

Published: 2008/09/10 00:21:55 GMT