Thursday, November 22, 2007

Don't blame the turkies

TRENTON, New Jersey (AP) -- Feel sleepy after a big Thanksgiving meal? Contrary to popular thinking, it's not the turkey's fault.


If your tiredness has anything to do with Thanksgiving dinner, it's probably because of carbohydrates.

While there is an amino acid in turkey that induces sleepiness, experts
say it's much more likely the reason you're tired after having
Thanksgiving dinner is a combination of simple factors: you ate and
drank too much and didn't sleep enough.

So don't blame the turkey.

"The poor turkeys have enough problems on Thanksgiving," said Dr. Carol
Ash of Somerset Medical Center's Sleep for Life Center in Hillsborough,
New Jersey.

Continued: Thanksgiving turkey didn't make you tired -

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

The End of Oil