Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Listen up, kids! Bono has sumpin to say!

P.S. Sorry I haven't posted much lately. :( I've been busy with the holidays and some life changes! (Positive ones, yay!)

"The Office Olympics" awards ceremony set to Star Wars IV ending music


Wednesday, November 15, 2006

DATA, ONE Campaign, Edun, and (RED) - Oh my!

Finally, someone drew us a friggin' diagram!

Really, take a look. It's very helpful, particularly for those of us who are visual thinkers...or anyone who feels lost in Bono's savetheworldiverse.

The single greatest moment in a Coldplay show

Filmed this in Dublin, Ireland last year.

Black People Love Us

"Johnny calls me "da man!" That puts me at ease. It makes me feel comfortable, because I am Black and that's how Black folks talk to one another."

Raise your hand if you have parents who are just like this...

(RED) video wall has finally put up their video wall -- starring MEEE! Check it ooouut.

Sunday, November 12, 2006


This video took me to a place in my heart where I didn't know whether I wanted to cry or dance. This video is a little on the religious side in its message, but the kids will just kill ya. I just want to go there and hug them and play with them and sing with them all day long!!

Saturday, November 11, 2006

A bit of my reaction to the elections (Facebookers: repost)

I posted this on Myspace and Facebook, but wasn't sure if I should post it here.

Still not, but what the hey...

3:22pm Wednesday, Nov 8

Dear New America,

Yay for democracy. Yay for the turnout. The people have indeed spoken. Now let's get on with more important things than whether or not the Gays are going to invade and eat our brains out or whether or not we should be allowed to say "God" in public.

And for the love of God, people, quit talking about terrorists like they're an impending alien invasion. I don't want to trivialize the 2,500 deaths that occured on 9/11/01, but while you're all freaking out -- OMG THE TERRORISTS ARE GONNA GET US!!! -- there are 5,500 people dying every single day in Africa. Of a completely treatable disease. Two 9/11's a day.


I'm not saying that what happened was our fault. Just that we can't afford to put out fires all over the world like this. We can't. But we CAN afford to prevent them.

I ask Republicans not to feel like the "losing side." We're on the same side. The earth is round; it only HAS one side.

God...Just open up your eyes! Please!

People who call yourselves Christians, and vote Republican for "religious reasons"...I believe you are obscenely misguided. And, I daresay, prisoners of your fear.

FEAR BREEDS HATE. And hate will destroy us all.

That's the real terrorist.

He may have mentioned justification for war, but he never CALLED us to it.

Christ called us to turn the other cheek. Have we done that? He called us to look after the sick and the poor. Have we done that?

I'm talking about a bigger war. A war on fear, and hate, and complacency.

And you know I believe in my heart that this election was a step in the right direction. Primarily, not because of the results but because of the sheer number of people who turned up at the polls and VOTED. You are all warriors as far as I'm concerned.

I think all of us should take a good long look at where are hearts are, and how we could best follow them over these next few years. We have to. We simply can't afford not to.

L'il b.
(and her big ass mouf.)

A response:

8:11pm on November 8th, 2006
Um.... extreme poverty breeds terrorism? I'm sorry if most of the 9/11 guys were from Saudi Arabia, UAE, etc, hardly extreme poverty, more extreme wealth and extreme philosophies.

My defense:

2:46pm on November 9th, 2006
Terrorist organizations are funded by wealthy leaders, yeah, but they rely on poor, desperate footsoldiers with nowhere else to turn. It is much easier to convince a poor dude who has to feed his family, and you offer him money to take up your cause, or threaten him and his family if he doesn't, than it is to convince a wealthy man who has more options.

A quick google search turns up the following:

Just a few weeks following 9/11, then U.S. Trade Representative Robert Zoellick spoke out on the need to liberalize international trade -- and thus reduce poverty -- as a means to fight terrorism.

"The war on terrorism is bound up in the war on poverty." -Colin Powell

"Poverty in all its forms is the greatest single threat to peace, security, democracy, human rights and the environment." - Michael Moore, head of the World Trade Organisation (WTO)

...I do realize that my comments mostly focus on foreign policy. I do have other things to say. But this does reflect my general frustration with this country's obsession with relatively unimportant matters. I mean, whether or not Susie has two mommies will hardly effect our economy, our security, or the overall well being of anyone but that family alone.

How else do you explain such an obsession than fear?

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Halloween Video

I was Little (RED) Riding hood for Halloween. :)

Friday, November 03, 2006

Ain't No Coyote Ugly

It's Coyote Cutie!

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Female Circumcision in the US

This is so horrible.

Warning for graphic content (descriptive, not visual).

My Dad is a STAR!!!!1

News report about Coyote in our backyard

Tom Wilson of Back to the Future - "Question Song"